Sunday, September 7, 2008

A long overdue posting...

This time, it hasn’t just been business that has kept me from posting. I’ve been wondering when to start talking about something new that’s happening in my life. I’m not superstitious – I don’t think that talking about it will cause it to end – but I do wonder at times how everyone will react.

I’ve started hanging out a lot with a young lady I met in the singles group at church. We’re not calling it dating, but I can see it leading to that in the future. We’re trying to be very careful as we move forward. We both have issues from our past, and our past experiences are very different, so we want to be sure that we have cemented our friendship so that nothing that might happen later would ever drive us completely apart.

We’ve been getting good advice from friends; most seem excited for both of us, but warn us to proceed very slowly and with great caution. We’re trying our best to follow that advice.

To be honest, I think I have been the most surprised about my desire to pursue a relationship at this point. I worried that people would think I was dishonoring Michell, that it was too soon for me to start thinking about dating again (and as I said, we’re not dating at this point, just talking about it as a potential future).

But if you’ve been following my posts, you’ll remember from a few months back that I went through a period when I would be driving around town, in tears as I was apologizing out loud to Michell because I knew that I was moving on with my life. As I moved through that experience, I think it freed my heart and my head to the possibility of starting a new relationship, and if this one has God’s blessing, He will continue to reveal that to us over time.

For those who are wondering, she is a divorcee, and she has a beautiful 2-year old daughter. And yes, that makes me greatly outnumbered when we all get together. Somehow, I just don’t mind.

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