Thursday, December 11, 2008

Disney Pics Now Available!

Well, I finally caught a break. Things have settled down enough that I was able to get the Disney pictures posted to the web and on the blog. You can either check out the little bitty slide shows on the right, or you can go to the album and click "slideshow" to see big ones with these links:

Disney Day 1 - Arrival & Epcot
Disney Day 2 - Magic Kingdom
Disney Day 3 - MGM Studios
Disney Night 3 - Spectromagic Parade
Disney Day 4 - Animal Kingdom
Disney Day 5 - Magic Kingdom Again

Monday, December 1, 2008

We'll be back in a moment...

So, it's been over a month since the last post. A very eventful month, to say the least. About 3 weeks ago, I had some bad stomach pain and a fever, and went to the doctor to see what was wrong. That night, about 8pm, the doctor called me at home and sent me to the ER. They did a CT scan about midnight, and I was in surgery at 2am.

What happened? I had a ruptured colon. Turns out it was VERY serious - as evidenced by the fact that they did the surgery at 2am instead of waiting for 8am. I was totally out of it for a couple of days, in the hospital for about a week, and have been home now for about 2 weeks.

I'm probably about 75% back in action. I can do just about anything except lift heavy objects, though I do get tired very easily. Rachel and Zoe spent about 12 days at my parent's house, and Zoe is still staying with them (I can't lift her into her bed, high chair, etc.).

Overall, I am doing well. I will need a follow-up surgery in February or March (I have a temporary colostomy, which will be reversed). That surgery will have a similar recovery period, but after healing from it, I should have no lasting impacts. I will be cleared to do anything I could do before.

They don't know why it happened; they told me that it was nothing I did or didn't do. All in all, it's been a frustrating and frightening experience, but through it all, God continues to carry me through. I am amazed at how He takes care of me.

Well, here's hoping that your month has been less eventful. I still plan to try and get the Disney pictures up on the site, but Christmas cards will take precedence. Speaking of, if your address has changed since last year, or if you didn't get a Christmas card and want one, please let me know!